Leave it to the NHL to take an idea that was so great and just run it into the ground... Two years ago the pens vs the sabers was not a big rivalry, but it was a big deal cause it was the first winter classic. Everybody wondered, how could they follow the first one... And they did, they found one of the best rivalries (of all time and at the time) and put it on ice in Chicago... Then everybody was like, man I hope the winter classic is not like the Godfather where 1 and 2 were awesome and 3 was a total waste of film... And guess what!!! Yeah, that's what happened... They took two teams that have little to no history with each other, two teams, which were considered overachievers last year, and threw them into a baseball stadium that isn't that great for baseball let alone hockey... When I heard the bruins name being tossed around all i could think about is Bruins vs Canadians, yeah the habs aren't that good right now, but who cares, the Winter CLASSIC, it's about the long standing history and tradition of hockey... Anyways, I am sure that next year they will drive it even further into the ground (if this years Winter classic is the godfather 3, think of next year as that parody movie with Jay Moher Mafia!), maybe it will be the battle of california, The Ducks vs The Kings... It'll be the first NHL game played on roller blades... Anyways here are a list of the games that I would like to see a winter classic for...
1. Pittsburgh vs. Philly at Beaver Stadium - this is wet dream for Pens or Flyers fans, pick a great venue right between the two, add some snow, and let the fists fly. This will not happen (at least as a winter classic game) for some time now due to the fact that they have already played in one each, but wouldn't it be great.
2. The battle of alberta - I can see it now, a football stadium in Canada, one half all wearing Oilers blue and one side all rockin the red (they did it first capitals so shut up). This would be a classic battle, and it would be an amazing atmosphere. They will probably never do it cause NBC hates canadians as much as don cherry hates europeans though...
3. Toronto vs the Habs - This is another rivalry that has lost its luster due to the consistent under achieving of both teams, but it is a classic one none the least. This game has less of an opportunity than #2
4. Subway series - Islanders vs Rangers - Yeah new york sucks, but it would be cool to see these teams go at it in NYC. Especially with Gabby's new found health and the star that is JT... this could be an actual possible game in the future
5. Avs vs Detroit in the mile high city - this would be awesome, detroit already cashed their winter classic coupon in, so it's not possible for a while, but it'd be great... Especially in Roy is the honorary goaltender and gets in a fight...
Anyways i can't thikn of anymore off the top of my head, any thoughts? Honestly I assume the next one is going to be the capitals vs somebody because the capitals fans tears are screwing with the infrastructure in DC and causing Public Works to go bankrupt and the US government is stepping in so they don't have to bail out somebody else... The thing about the Crapitals is all their rivals (other than the pens) are southern teams so i can't see that being terribly interesting...